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About the CUGLS

The Graduate Law Society of the University of Cambridge, referred to as the 'CUGLS' or 'GLS', is a student-run society catering to the needs and interests of those studying Law or Criminology at postgraduate level. It does not charge membership fees. Students studying for the LLM, MCL, PhD, or MLitt in law, PhD in criminology or MPhil in criminology are automatically considered members of the GLS.

The purpose of the GLS is to provide and facilitate empowerment, education, and social events for its members. It organises a variety of social events for members and their guests throughout the three academic terms. In a typical year, the GLS’ staple events include Welcome Drinks at a local pub at the start of the academic year, the Christmas Dinner, the Midway Dinner, and a ‘Finale Ball’ at the end of the academic year. In the past, the GLS has organised trips to venues such as the International Court of Justice in The Hague, the Supreme Court of the United Kingdom, and the House of Commons. There is a lot of flexibility for the GLS committee to organise whatever events are considered most suitable in any given year.

The day to day activities of the GLS are managed through the Society Facebook page or Instagram

Mailing list 

It is important that those students who are eligible to be members of the GLS sign up to the society’s mailing list as soon as possible after arriving in Cambridge. Please visit and search for law-gradsoc to do so.  

2023-24 Committee